Thaikkudam Bridge unplugged: a quick interview with the band!

Thaikkudam Bridge unplugged: a quick interview with the band!

  • 17 Jul 2017
  • Sunaya
  • Features

From a room by the bridge to a band, Thaikkudam’s come a long way

What are you currently working on?

We are currently working on namah our second studio album. We are almost done with the songs, where we have international collaborations. This is our first crowd funded album for which we welcome support from the people who are willing and able to support. Details will be out shortly. 

Was Siddharth Menon’s decision to take a break from the band a cause of concern for you?

It was not Siddharth Menon's idea to take a break from Thaikkudam bridge, it was Thaikkudam bridge's idea that Siddharth take a break as we wanted him to explore his talent in acting and a solo career which as people close to him, we knew he was capable of. As brothers we would not want him to look back and regret about not being able to do something. However painful it may be. 

How do you deal with all the female attention, especially teens? 

It's quite a sexist idea to divide the attention quotient as male and female. We get noted for the music we make. We are lucky to be noted and are grateful for it. 

When you started with the band, did you plan on making music for movies or did it just happen?

All of us love movies, but doing music for them depends on a lot of things. It’s not a black and white thing like we do movies or we don't  do movies. It depends on the project. We love our freedom and explore horizons along roads that will not hinder or hurt any other aspect.

Text: Devika V Menon   Photos: Various Sources

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