Things to Do in Kochi This Weekend

Things to Do in Kochi This Weekend

  • 11 Nov 2016
  • Rheanna Mathews
  • Features

Kochi is brimming with joie de vivre and WtzupKochi has compiled yet another list of events and activities where like-minded people can come together to seize the day. Carpe diem, folks!

A music gig at a unique venue!

Or visit the Muse Room for more music. 

There's a free open day treat for children at the Riverbourne Centre

Save while you get your weekly shopping done.

Add a dash of glamour to your outfit.

Maybe a grain food festival is just the thing you need.

Or perhaps you prefer South East Asian cuisine this weekend?

And you know it's Pathumma's Kitchen for authentic South Indian fare.

For meat fit for a Masterchef kitchen, head to...

And if all else fails, the movies it is. You could win tickets the entire month.

Or curl up at the window with a good book, a cup of coffee and your cat. It might rain.

Compiled by Rheanna Mathews

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